Kindergarten Bible Lesson Jacob And Esau

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Kindergarten Bible Lesson Jacob And Esau

Kindergarten Bible Lesson Jacob And Esau

In this engaging article, you will discover the insightful story of Jacob and Esau from the Bible, tailored specifically for kindergarten students. Delve into the tale that offers valuable lessons and teaches us about the bond between brothers. With our kindergarten Bible lesson, children will learn the importance of forgiveness, trust, and the consequences of their actions. Join us on this captivating journey as we explore the story of Jacob and Esau together.

Kindergarten Bible Lesson Jacob And Esau (0.64)

Overview of the Story of Jacob and Esau

Introduction to Jacob and Esau

The story of Jacob and Esau is a fascinating biblical tale that showcases the complex dynamics of sibling relationships and the consequences of impulsive decisions. It revolves around the lives of two brothers, Jacob and Esau, who were twins born to Isaac and Rebekah. This story highlights their distinct personalities, the significance of birthright and blessing, Jacob’s deceptive actions, Esau’s emotional response, and the eventual reconciliation between the brothers.

Importance of the Story

The story of Jacob and Esau carries several important lessons that can be applied to our lives today. It teaches us about the consequences of deception, the dynamics of sibling relationships, the value of thinking before acting, and the importance of forgiveness and reconciliation. This story serves as a reminder that our actions have far-reaching consequences and that honesty, trustworthiness, and forgiveness are integral to maintaining healthy relationships.

Lesson Objectives

The primary objectives of this lesson are to understand the personalities of Jacob and Esau, learn about the significance of birthright and blessing, explore Jacob’s deception and Esau’s response, and extract valuable life lessons from the story. By the end of this lesson, you will have gained insights into the complexities of sibling relationships, the power of forgiveness, and the importance of making well-thought-out decisions.

Key Characters


Jacob, one of the twin brothers, is portrayed as a quiet and cunning individual. He is known for his wit, intelligence, and cunning nature. Despite being the younger brother, Jacob yearned for the birthright and blessing that rightfully belonged to his elder brother, Esau. This desire led him to engage in deceptive actions to claim what he believed was rightfully his.


Esau, the elder of the twins, is depicted as an outdoorsman and an impulsive person. He was favored by his father, Isaac, primarily due to his skill in hunting. Esau’s impulsiveness led him to make hasty decisions that would later haunt him. He traded his birthright for a simple meal when he was hungry, thereby unknowingly surrendering his future privileges.

Isaac (Their Father)

Isaac was the father of Jacob and Esau, and he played a significant role in the story. He favored Esau due to his skills as a hunter. He also intended to bless Esau with the family blessing, unaware of Jacob’s deceptive plans. Isaac’s actions and subsequent realization of the deception add depth to the narrative.

Rebekah (Their Mother)

Rebekah, the mother of Jacob and Esau, also played a crucial role in the story. She favored Jacob and was aware of his desire for the birthright and blessing. Rebekah devised a scheme to help Jacob deceive Isaac and claim the blessing that she believed was rightfully his. Her involvement highlights the complex dynamics within the family.


The Twins’ Birth

Jacob and Esau’s story begins with their birth. Rebekah, their mother, struggled with their pregnancies, experiencing significant turmoil within her womb. She sought divine intervention and received a prophecy that the twins within her would be destined for greatness, but their paths would diverge. Esau was born first, covered in red hair, and was soon followed by Jacob, gripping Esau’s heel.

Jacob and Esau’s Different Personalities

From an early age, Jacob and Esau displayed strikingly different personalities. Jacob was introspective, preferring to stay close to home and engage in quiet activities. In contrast, Esau thrived in the outdoors, demonstrating a passion for hunting and exploration. Their contrasting personalities set the foundation for the conflicts and challenges they would face later in life.

Birthright and Blessing

In ancient times, birthright held immense significance and entitled the eldest son to receive certain privileges, including a double portion of the inheritance and the family blessing. This birthright was bestowed upon Esau as the elder son, carrying the responsibilities and privileges associated with it. However, a blessing, a separate and sacred act, could be given by the father to any of his children, regardless of birthright.

Jacob’s Desire for the Birthright

Jacob yearned for the birthright, believing it was rightfully his due to his cunning and intelligence. Recognizing Esau’s impulsiveness, he saw an opportunity when Esau returned hungry from hunting. Offering a bowl of stew in exchange for the birthright, Jacob successfully convinced Esau to transfer his privileges without fully considering the consequences.

Esau’s Hasty Decision

Esau’s impulsive nature led him to make a hasty decision regarding his birthright. Focused on his immediate hunger, he prioritized satisfying his present needs over considering the long-term implications of surrendering the birthright. This impulsive act would have far-reaching consequences for Esau and his relationship with Jacob.

Jacob’s Deception

Jacob, with the assistance of his mother Rebekah, devised a deceptive plan to claim Esau’s blessing. Disguised as Esau by covering himself in animal skins, Jacob approached his blind father, Isaac, and received the blessing intended for Esau. Isaac was unaware of Jacob’s deceit, emphasizing the importance of trust and transparency in family relationships.

Esau’s Response

Discovering Jacob’s deception, Esau was overwhelmed with anger and a desire for revenge against his younger brother. His impulsive nature led him to contemplate harming or even killing Jacob. This response reflects the intense emotions and conflict that can arise from deceit and betrayal within sibling relationships.

Lesson Details

Opening Prayer

It is important to begin this lesson with an opening prayer, dedicating the time to learning and reflecting on the story of Jacob and Esau. The prayer can express gratitude for the opportunity to gather, seek wisdom from the story, and ask for guidance in understanding its lessons fully.

Bible Verse

To ground the lesson in biblical teachings, a relevant Bible verse can be read aloud to the participants. One suitable verse for this lesson is Genesis 25:23, which states, “Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from within you shall be divided; the one shall be stronger than the other, the older shall serve the younger.” This verse sets the stage for the divergent paths Jacob and Esau would eventually take.

Storytelling or Reading the Story

To engage the participants, the story can be shared through storytelling or by reading directly from the Bible. It is essential to convey the narrative in a captivating and relatable manner, bringing the characters to life while emphasizing their distinct personalities and the challenges they faced.

Discussion Questions

After sharing the story, facilitate a discussion by asking thought-provoking questions to encourage participants to reflect on key points and extract valuable lessons. Some potential discussion questions include:

  • Why do you think Jacob desired the birthright?
  • How did Esau’s impulsiveness influence the outcome of the story?
  • What were the consequences of Jacob’s deception?
  • How did Esau initially respond to his brother’s deceit?

Craft Activity

To further engage the participants, a craft activity can be introduced related to the story of Jacob and Esau. For example, participants could create visual aids depicting the birthright and blessing or make puppets representing the key characters. This hands-on activity allows for creativity while reinforcing the story’s key elements.

Closing Prayer

Conclude the lesson with a closing prayer, expressing gratitude for the insights gained from the story and the opportunity to learn from it. The closing prayer can also include a request for guidance in applying the lessons to daily life and for the strength to foster honest, loving, and forgiving relationships.

Jacob and Esau’s Different Personalities

Jacob: The Quiet and Cunning

Jacob’s personality is characterized by introversion and a cunning nature. He preferred quiet activities and was often found near home, reflecting his introspective nature. Jacob’s intelligence and wit enabled him to strategize and take advantage of opportunities to achieve his goals, as seen in his desire for the birthright and his deception of his father to receive the blessing. While his actions may be viewed as deceptive, they illustrate the power of intellect and planning.

Esau: The Outdoorsman and Impulsive

Esau’s personality starkly contrasts with Jacob’s. He was an outdoorsman, thriving in nature and displaying adept hunting skills. Esau’s impulsive nature often took precedence over careful consideration of the long-term consequences of his actions. This impulsiveness led him to make rash decisions, such as trading his birthright for a simple meal when he was famished. Esau’s impulsive nature adds a layer of unpredictability to the story and highlights the potential risks of acting without forethought.

Birthright and Blessing

Explanation of Birthright

The birthright possessed significant cultural and familial significance during biblical times. It referred to the privileges and responsibilities bestowed upon the eldest son within a family. These privileges included receiving a double portion of the inheritance and becoming the family’s leader and spiritual head after their father’s passing. The eldest son’s birthright gave him authority, respect, and a higher social standing.

Significance of Blessing

Though closely related to birthright, the blessing differs as a distinct act. The blessing is a sacred declaration given by the father and carries spiritual, emotional, and material significance. It embodies the father’s desires for his children’s future and bestows favor upon the recipient, impacting their destiny and inheritance. The blessing is not necessarily tied to birthright but is given to the child the father deems worthy, according to his discernment.

Jacob’s Desire for the Birthright

Despite being the younger brother, Jacob yearned for the birthright privileges. He believed that his cunning nature and intelligence made him better suited to lead the family. Jacob considered the birthright as his rightful inheritance, even though it was conventionally bestowed upon Esau as the eldest son. This desire drove him toward deceptive means to claim what he felt was rightfully his.

Esau’s Hasty Decision

Esau’s impulsive decision-making played a significant role in the story’s progression. Hungry and exhausted after hunting, he found himself at a vulnerable moment when Jacob offered him a bowl of stew in exchange for his birthright. Focusing solely on satisfying his immediate need, Esau disregarded the long-term implications and hastily agreed to Jacob’s proposition, effectively surrendering his birthright without realizing its true value.

Jacob’s Deception

Jacob, with the assistance of his mother Rebekah, devised a deceptive plan to receive the father’s blessing intended for his brother. By covering himself in animal skins to resemble Esau, Jacob impersonated his older brother to deceive their blind father, Isaac. This act of deception allowed Jacob to claim the family blessing, highlighting the lengths he was willing to go to secure what he believed was rightfully his.

Jacob’s Deception

Disguising as Esau

To deceive his father, Jacob disguised himself as Esau by covering his arms in animal skins to mimic Esau’s hairy appearance. This physical transformation was crucial in convincing Isaac that he was blessing his elder son. Jacob’s deception showcases the lengths people may go to obtain what they believe is rightfully theirs and highlights the detrimental consequences that can stem from dishonesty.

Rebekah’s Involvement

Rebekah, Jacob and Esau’s mother, played an integral role in Jacob’s deceptive plan. She favored Jacob and was aware of his desire for the birthright and blessing. Rebekah devised the plot to disguise Jacob as Esau and helped him carry out the plan successfully. Her involvement showcases the complexities of family dynamics and the lengths parents may go to fulfill what they perceive as the best interests of their children.

Isaac’s Blessing

Deceived by Jacob’s disguise, Isaac bestowed the family blessing upon Jacob, believing him to be Esau. This blessing included prosperity, leadership, and divine favor. Isaac was unaware of the deception until Esau’s arrival and subsequent realization that his brother had claimed the blessing that was rightfully his. This revelation exposed the flaws in the trust and communication within their family structure, emphasizing the importance of honesty and transparency.

Esau’s Response

Discovering Jacob’s Deception

Esau’s reaction upon discovering Jacob’s deception was filled with a mix of intense emotions. Shocked, betrayed, and incensed, he felt an overwhelming surge of anger towards his brother for deceiving their father and robbing him of the family blessing. Esau’s response showcases the devastating impact deception can have on sibling relationships, highlighting the need for open communication and the destructiveness of hidden agendas.

Esau’s Anger and Desire for Revenge

Esau’s anger and sense of betrayal fueled a desire for revenge against Jacob. He initially contemplated harming or even killing his brother as a means to alleviate his anger and reclaim justice. Esau’s tumultuous emotions demonstrate the destructive consequences of unchecked anger and emphasize the importance of resolving conflicts through peaceful means.


After some time had passed and emotions had calmed, Esau and Jacob eventually found a path towards reconciliation. When they chance meeting, Esau embraced Jacob and demonstrated forgiveness, choosing to let go of his anger and the desire for retribution. This act of forgiveness and the subsequent reconciliation between the brothers illustrate the transformative power of forgiveness and the potential for healing fractured relationships.

Important Lessons from the Story

Honesty and Deception

The story of Jacob and Esau emphasizes the importance of honesty and communication within relationships. Jacob’s deceptive actions and the subsequent fallout highlight the destructive nature of deception and the consequences it can have on trust and familial bonds. This story serves as a reminder of the inherent value of honesty and transparency in nurturing healthy relationships.

Sibling Relationships

The complex dynamics between Jacob and Esau illustrate both the deep bond and the potential for conflict within sibling relationships. Their story teaches us the importance of fostering love, understanding, and forgiveness in our relationships with siblings. It reinforces the significance of open communication, empathy, and compromise to maintain healthy and harmonious relationships.

Consequences of Impulsive Decisions

Esau’s impulsive decision to trade his birthright for a mere meal demonstrates the potential long-term consequences of impulsive behavior. This cautionary tale reminds us of the importance of carefully considering our actions and the potential ramifications they may have. It encourages us to think before acting, especially in moments when immediate desires may overshadow the future implications of our choices.

Forgiveness and Reconciliation

The ultimate reconciliation between Jacob and Esau showcases the transformative power of forgiveness. Despite the hurt and betrayal, Esau chose forgiveness over continued anger and revenge. This lesson teaches us the value of forgiveness in healing wounds and fostering healthy relationships. It reminds us that forgiveness is a choice that can lead to peace, reconciliation, and personal growth.

Lesson Application


The story of Jacob and Esau highlights the value of trustworthiness in our relationships. This lesson encourages participants to reflect on their own honesty and reliability. Participants can consider ways they can strengthen their trustworthiness by being truthful, keeping promises, and consistently demonstrating integrity in their actions.

Valuing Family

The story underscores the importance of valuing and nurturing familial relationships. Participants can reflect on their own relationships with their siblings and family members, identifying areas where they can enhance love, empathy, and understanding. This lesson encourages participants to prioritize family bonds and recognize the long-term benefits of cultivating healthy relationships with their loved ones.

Thinking Before Acting

The consequences of impulsive decisions are evident in the story of Jacob and Esau. Participants can apply this lesson by reflecting on their own decision-making processes. They can be encouraged to pause and reflect on the potential implications of their choices before acting impulsively. This practice fosters responsible decision-making and mitigates the risk of regrets in the future.

Importance of Forgiveness

The story’s reconciliation between Jacob and Esau serves as a powerful lesson in the importance of forgiveness. Participants can explore the significance of forgiving others who have wronged them and the impact that forgiveness can have on their emotional well-being. This lesson encourages participants to actively seek forgiveness and extend forgiveness to promote healing and reconciliation in their own lives.

By delving into the story of Jacob and Esau, we gain valuable insights into the complexities of sibling relationships, the consequences of impulsive decisions, and the transformative power of forgiveness. As we navigate our own lives, may we apply these lessons to foster healthy relationships, make wise choices, prioritize honesty, and embrace the healing power of forgiveness.
